I'm off to New York for the third time this year on Wednesday. Reports on art, theatre, shopping, and cupcakes are headed your way! Tom's in the studio so I'm going to give thanks with him and spend the rest of the time visiting every H&M in the city. Sounds like things are going well up there, although the other night he went to the VHS or Beta after party and Craig and co. hadn't arrived so the people who ran the bar thought MMJ were VHS and Tom said they sat at a table with a bunch of free alcohol while "everyone dancing was staring and dancing at us all night." Way to set the night on fire, lads.
I watched the documentary Photographers at Work on Ovation last night. I don't know how I've never seen Gregory Crewdson's photographs before, but consider me inspired. Now I have someone else to admire besides Andreas Gursky and Todd Hido. Speaking of photography, someone recently sent me to the Shorpy site and it's quickly becoming a new favorite. I love this shot of the dog funeral from 1922. It's fascinating to see how graceful and well-lit these old pictures are.
Apologies for the sleepy post but it's a gray Monday and Fred Thompson is having a valium-like effect on me as I catch up on yesteday's This Week. Does that guy ever actually say anything specific? He's a master of generalities. I notice they've been running Die Hard 2 on one of the movie channels recently. His finest moment, perhaps.
I feel a nap coming on,
Ms. P
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