Sunday, October 7, 2007

News Zoo Revue

Tom and I are off to Los Angeles and Portland today for our yearly pilgrimage to the city of angels and a quick trip to PDX to see my BFF Sandy. I'll be writing from the left coast and telling you all about our many adventures dining with movie stars, visiting Madame Tussaud's, and daily trips to the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. I bet you can't wait!

Also coming up this week, The LP Questionnaire with My Morning Jacket's management and crew. They are a fine group of fellows and I'm sure you'll be delighted to hear what's on their teenage boy mix tapes.

Here's a short rundown of news bits that caught my eye this week:

Ron Paul had a surge in donations. The Republicans must be getting desperate if they're willing to support an anti-war Libertarian. However, I vote equally on social issues and just because Paul is one of the few Repubs who speaks out against the war and is against a Federal Marriage Amendment, he still supports DOMA and is opposed to Roe v Wade. I'll stick with the Dems even though I can't say I'm 100% thrilled about any of them, either (except li'l Dennis Kucinich. He's so cute).

Rudy Giuliani raised more third-quarter primary funds than Mitt Romney but then Romney donated $8.5 million to himself so now he's up again. If we end up with President Mitt... Urgh. I can't even think about that as a possible reality. It's just too depressing. The Log Cabin Republicans launched a media attack on Romney this week detailing his past liberal stances. People have to see through this guy, right?

I can't believe there's such a controversy about Barack Obama not wearing an American flag lapel pin. Really? I mean, is this how we're judging his merit as a candidate? I don't think his response to the matter was all that eloquent but still, I can't believe he even has to defend it. I'm reminded once again of David Cross' bit about The Freedom Kit. Is slapping a bunch of flags all over yourself, your car or your belongings a serious barometer of patriotism?

I'm saddened by the downfall of Marion Jones. Jones admitted she lied to investigators about steroid use. I'm a bit baffled by the Flaxseed Defense (also used by Barry Bonds). I can understand being duped by someone but steroids cause radical changes in your body. Are we really to believe these athletes are so daft that they attributed their jump in performance to flaxseed oil?! Hrm.

Sean Hannity was named Radio Personality of the Year. I knew there was a reason why I never listen to the radio.

Idaho Senator Larry Craig is NOT resigning. This cracks me up. Washington Week asked viewers to send in their theories regarding "What is Larry Craig thinking?!" I like to think it's his big "Up Yours" to the Republicans who vilified him after his many years of loyal service. I also hope he'll come out of the closet and be the first openly gay Republican United States senator. All I have to say is, "You go, girl!"

North Korea's Kim Jong Il and South Korean President Roh Moo-Hyun met this week in a historic summit (the second only since the end of World War II). I'm always thrilled to see the Koreans march together at the Olympics and hope that in my lifetime I'll see the day where the 38th parallel is just another latitude line.

And finally, the funniest headline of the week: Mr. Potato Head in Ecstasy Bust

Happy Sunday,
Ms. P


  1. I just have to say I love your blog and your wicked sense of humor. I hope you get a bigger audience so more people can enjoy your take on everything from politics to pop culture. Hope you guys have a safe trip and wonderful time on the west coast.Looking forward to some vacation exploits.

    Tony S.

  2. Why, thank you, Tony S!

    I feel like Greg Kinnear in "You've Got Mail" right now when Parker Posey told him she liked his piece on... Ezra Pound, maybe? Or was it Proust?

    Anyway, I really appreciate you taking the time to comment and I'm glad you're enjoying the blog. :)
