Kucinich saw UFO's? Barack is going as Mitt Romney for Halloween? Have the wheels come off the cart?!
Joe Biden is so much fun. I wish he was my dad or something. Did Bill Richardson say anything? If so, it must have been when I took the dog out. Oh wait, he defended Hillary. Interesting. All along I've felt like he was going for a VP nom but today I heard he wants a seat in the senate.
Obama in the debates sounds like I do when I have to leave a message on someone's voicemail. That's not a compliment as I usually sound like an idiot who keeps repeating herself and doesn't know what she's saying.
Clinton made a misstep (on the issue of driver's licenses for illegal immigrants) and Edwards, Obama, and Dodd were ready to pounce. I don't really know what to make of this. We knew it was coming yet it still felt wrong. Perhaps I feel this way because Obama stuttered through his own answers but wasn't stuttering when he was on the attack.
However, Ms. C has been really impressive thus far. I wonder if she can keep it up.
Sadly, I'm still not thrilled about any of them, save Kucinich. It must be refreshing to have a hot wife and the ability to say whatever you believe because Hell will have been proven to exist AND frozen over before you'll ever win. I'm all for the DK but I'm not sure how I feel about a first lady who's only six months older than Tom (which is probably unfair because I know she's really intelligent).
In Republican news, Chuck Hearts Huckabee. Chuck Norris, who can kick your ass, has endorsed Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. I'm always interested by the caliber of celebrities who admit to being Republicans. Very snooty, I know, but I... am very... snooty.
Alright, a good night's sleep is in order so I can resume regular posting tomorrow and be fresh for the trick or treaters.
I'll leave you with the best line of tonight's debate: after calling Rudolph Giuliani "the most uninformed person" in the race when it comes to foreign policy, Joe Biden said, "There's only three things he mentions in a sentence: a noun, and a verb and 9/11."
Tee hee,
Ms. P
ps. Criss Angel is on Larry King. I'm baffled by Criss. I should hate him and his cheesy baseball hat to the side wearing self, but I don't.
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